transportation & lodging

At Friends Together -

We understand the cost of cancer. We understand how cancer can seep into all parts of one’s life. We understand that even with good health insurance, the cost of cancer can be overwhelming. We understand the financial toxicity of cancer. We understand.

contact us at (989) 356-3231


Hop in!

A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. If your diagnosis comes with frequent prescribed treatments and you need help getting to and from home to Mid-Michigan Health Center’s Alpena Cancer Center, contact us. If treatment takes you to another Michigan hospital, contact us. Lack of reliable transportation should not prevent anyone from receiving cancer treatment.

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Got gas?

Have a car, but the cost of fuel is overwhelming? We can provide support in the form of gas cards to help defray the cost of cancer, so you can concentrate on fighting it.


sleep well

Traveling out of town for treatment? Contact Friends Together if you are in need of an overnight stay to receive out-of-town treatment for cancer. We may be able to provide the solution.